The first time I added the sulfur in with the oils. Big mistake. Sulfur inhibits the lye and I never got it to trace. Sulfur soap is a great soap with so many benefits. Be careful lean and make you own Sulfur soap.
Sulfur flakes will NOT work, because they are much too coarse and abrasive. Use Sulfur powder, Sift sulfur powder to remove any large chunks before use. If the sulfur powder is crusted over, very chunky, or otherwise showing signs of absorbing moisture, you may not want to use the product in soap.
This is not a soap to make without careful forethought and good preparation. It is more difficult soap to make than regular soap, there is a good chance of failure, and there are health risks involved with making the soap if not done correctly.
Warning 1.
(Do not inhale the sulfur powder. It will be irritating to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs because it
combines with water to form sulfuric acid. Wear a respirator and use very good ventilation when handling the powder.)
Warning 2.
(Be aware that sulfur in hot soap may evolve hydrogen sulfide gas (rotten egg odor). This gas is not only stinky, but it is TOXIC. A respirator will NOT effectively remove this gas, so don’t count on a respirator for protection. What’s worse is your nose quickly becomes used to hydrogen sulfide, so you cannot use your nose as a safety guide.)
Heat soap on grill or open window, or strong vent system. (do not breath the fumes)
Sulfur has been used for decades to dry up and prevent acne blemishes. helps get rid of mites and things on your body. Add sulfur to homemade soaps to clear the skin without inflaming it with the unnatural, chemical ingredients found in most soaps.
Sulfur soap is a very beneficial product for all those who suffer excess oiliness in the skin or acne problems. Thanks to its cleansing properties, sulfur favors the elimination of toxins and reduces the appearance of spots, blackheads and imperfections. However, it is not advisable to use it daily or in large amounts because it may irritate your skin or cause excessive dryness.
Products you will need.
Your molds and heating containers, wood stirring spoon
spray bottle full of rubbing alcohol
color dye, the color you want soap
2 glass thermoset ,the kind used in candy making are fine 110 heat needed
glycerin soap base , Hint. Craft stores sell glycerin soap base and oils.
Oils, lemon essential oil or you can use almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, etc.
Sulfur powder, can be found at lots of stores or online easy.
Step 1. cut the glycerin soap base into small cubes and put them aside in a bowl
Step 2. Melt the glycerin. Heat the oil. Now that you have everything, start by melting the glycerin. To do so microwave it until completely liquid but without allowing it to boil. You can also melt it using the bain marie technique. When both substances reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit, combine them.
Step 3. Warning 2. Add the sulfur. When the glycerin base is melted, start to add the sulfur powder. remember no lumps, It is recommended that you first sieve the sulfur powder to remove lumps. Stir it well until completely dissolved and integrated with glycerin
Step 4.Add essential oils. Then, pour the oil you have chosen to hydrate the sulfur soap and avoid
excessive dryness in our skin. Mix well and incorporate ten drops of essential oil of lemon or whichever essence you have chosen. The essence will give the soap smell as well as the properties of the essence. So, when choosing the essential oil look at what its benefits are
Step 5. Prepare the soap molds. Set the molds on a flat surface lined with paper towels. Use the spray bottle full of rubbing alcohol to lightly mist the insides of the soap molds, coating the area where the glycerin will go. The alcohol prevents bubbles from forming in the soap as it cools and dries. If you don’t use alcohol, your finished soap may have a layer of bubbles. Elect the one that best suits your needs.
Step 6. When you have all the ingredients mixed, add a little color dye. You can choose whichever color you like, if you want to intensify the tone of the sulfur choose yellow. Use a wooden spoon and stir the mixture constantly until it begins to thicken and trace. When tracing occurs, the mixture will resemble a thin pudding then pour the soap mixture into soap molds, Spritz it with more alcohol. Use the spray bottle to mist the soap after it has been poured into the molds and while it’s still in its liquid stage. This way you’ll prevent the formation of bubbles on the flat side of the soap, too.
store the mold in a cool, dark area of your home where they will not be disturbed. You need to dry the sulfur soap for at least a few hours to one full day. This allows the soap to harden so it will lather well. Wrap seal the soap and use the homemade sulfur soap when you want.
Congratulations. Your Sulfur soap is made!
To apply this homemade soap you should wet the face or the area you want to wash with warm water, lather with the soap and leave to stand for a few minutes. Then rinse with cold water. Depending on the degree of oiliness of your skin you can use it more or less times per week, but keep in mind that this is a soap that dries the skin and therefore it is advisable to use it only sparingly.
To scent the soap, add 1 tsp. of essential oil to the mixture as it is tracing. This will cover the smell of the sulfur.
Excess oils can make for a cloudy soap
To add color, add 1/8 tsp. of natural pigment to the mixture during the tracing.
More learning that might help you making regular soap.
Prepare your molds. Set them on a flat surface and get your fragrances and colors ready.
Figure out how much soap base you need. An average bar of soap is 4 ounces and the mold will tell you how many ounces it holds. Use a bit more as some will remain on the melting container and spoon.
Place as much soap base as you need into a heatproof container to melt it. I use a pint jar. Place the jar in a pan of hot water to melt, stirring occasionally. When melted, take the jar out of the water and place it on a cloth. Add a few drops of food coloring if desired. Stir well. Add more if needed. Next, add
the essential or fragrance oil a few drops at a time. A 4-ounce bar should have about 10 drops of scent. Add any dried herbs you may desire, about a teaspoon per 4-ounce bar.
Now pour your glycerin soap into the molds. If the base cools too much and gets chunky or stiff, remelt it and stir. Let the molds sit until the soap is completely cooled.
When cool, remove from the mold. Wrap soap in plastic wrap or wax paper. You must wrap it right away or it may collect moisture from the air and bead “sweat” on the surface.
Clean up is easy. (After all, it’s just soap you’re cleaning off your supplies.) Just soak the molds in hot water, rinse and dry well.
Silicone molds work well because they peel off the soap easily.
These instructions are for clear soap. Add some titanium dioxide or zinc oxide powder to get a white soap that will produce pastels when colored.
Keep herbs ground well and always use dried herbs.
What most people don’t know is that there is glycerin in all soap because it is a byproduct of the soap making process.
The difference between translucent “glycerin” soaps and other more opaque soaps with glycerin in them, is that the glycerin soaps have been cooked with certain solvents like sugar, alcohol, and, well, more glycerin, to help make the soap crystals small so that light can pass through. (It’s the soap crystals that reflect light back at our eyes, making soap opaque).